Plná podpora systému Windows 7, schopnost číst a zapisovat souborový formát DWG ve verzích 2.5 až 2012 a překvapivě kritická sebereflexe v podobě nového manažeru bloků, to je ProgeCAD 2011 Professional.

Doposud používaný ALE Manager je v tiskové zprávě označen doslova za „nepraktický“ a „těžko ovladatelný“. Východiskem je zcela nový modul iCADLib pro vytváření, ukládání a vkládání bloků do výkresů. V rámci instalace programu tento obsahuje již dvacet tisíc 2D a 3D bloků připravených pro použití v různě oborově zaměřených výkresech – od stavebnictví a architekturu přes strojírenské plány až po návrhy elektrických obvodů.

Uživatele z oblastí strojírenství pravděpodobně potěší integrace databází Traceparts, obsahující více než sto milionů 2D a 3D CAD dílů. ProgeCAD 2011 Professional poskytuje personalizovaný přístup do této rozsáhlé knihovny a umožňuje neomezené bezplatné stažení jakéhokoliv dílu z katalogu.

Za jednu z nejdůležitějších novinek označuje výrobce ProgeCADu spuštění služby iCare, která je obdobou předplatných servisů, které známe u jiných dodavatelů CAD softwaru. Uživatel si jeho úhradou zajistí přístup k nejnovějším verzím používané aplikace a garantovanou technickou podporu.

(Zdroj: Tisková zpráva)

ProgeCAD 2011 Professional, the New Version of the Well Known 2D/3D AutoCAD Alternative

progeCAD, leader in 2D/3D low-cost CAD software, today announced the release of its new version, progeCAD 2011 Professional. Not only does progeCAD read and write AutoCAD DWG 2.5 – 2012 and is fully compatible with Windows 7, but also now it expands its functionality to meet the demands of the customers who use CAD for drafting in specific industries and are always striving to speed up their productivity.

Como, Italy, July 20, 2011

Designers, drafters, engineers, architects and other professionals using CAD in a specific industry will be able now to speed up the drawing process thanks to the millions of ready-to-use blocks placed at their disposal and ready to improve and facilitate the time-consuming routine work of drafting from scratch.

Moreover, the company has heeded another customers’ request, this time concerning the ALE Blocks Manager. Instead of an awkward and difficult to handle ALE Manager, a new completely different iCADLib Module for blocks management is introduced in the new version. The iCADLib Module enables intuitive and seamless work when creating, saving and inserting blocks in your drawings. The new Blocks Manager contains over 20.000 2D/3D ready-to- use blocks for various industries such as Construction, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic and others.

The new progeCAD 2011 version offers a plug-in for architects, Easy-Arch, an automated building tool implemented in the software to increase productivity in architectural and interior design and renovation. The Easy-Arch tool is designed to facilitate architectural and interior design providing parametric elements to quickly and easily create such building elements as walls, roofs, openings, stairs and many other functionalities.

Finally, another enhancement designed to beef up the productivity of a CAD professional is the integration of the Traceparts content library in progeCAD 2011 Professional. This feature will become particularly interesting and useful for a Mechanical Designer and Engineer. However, there can be also found electric, electronic, agricultural, furniture and many other parts to satisfy professional needs of CAD professionals from a wide range of sectors. The Traceparts portal is one of the biggest parts libraries in the world offering over 100 million 2D and 3D CAD models. Now the new progeCAD 2011 Professional version provides personalized and exclusive access to the Traceparts library with unlimited and free download of any elements from the catalogues as well as different parts complying with the following international standards: ANSI, ASME, BS, JIS, DIN, ISO and UNI. The downloaded components are seamlessly integrated in the blocks libraries and can be easily and quickly inserted in all your drawings like all the other iCADLib blocks.

One of the progeCAD’s most important innovation introduced with version 2011 is certainly the the iCARE Subscription services. The new iCARE Subscription maintenance and support program offers a variety of benefits to help customers get the most out of their progeCAD® software. It enables the Customer to cut down upgrades costs (they’ll receive the next progeCAD version at no charge, for instance) and receive comprehensive technical assistance via the web with the new help desk service through ticket, email, live chat and remote support.

“In the new version of progeCAD we’ve focused our efforts on meeting the needs of the CAD professionals who come from various industries but use mainly the generic CAD platform in their projects. We are striving to make our CAD platform more flexible and intuitive for each professional who uses our CAD package. However, we’re still committed to our principal goal that is to comply with the market leader, adding at least a little touch of the AutoCAD-like look and feel and compatibility to our product.” commented Damiano Croci, progeCAD’s CEO.

Current progeCAD users are reminded that they can upgrade to the latest version at a significant discount to the already-low price of the full version. progeCAD 2011 Professional proposes very flexible licensing: Single licenses with the possibility of an additional installation, Network NLM licenses with a Take-Away technology for remote work and Corporate licenses with unlimited installations at an unrivalled price.

The new version is available for immediate download at:

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About progeCAD:

progeSOFT Como, Italy has been specializing in CAD for the last 22 years and is an executive member of the IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium.
